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NBU SAN Client 改造


Client端erp_db1 安装有oracle数据库,通过lan备份,因网络问题,备份速度维持在2MB/s,数据库较大,备份时间较长。计划将erp_db1改造为SAN Client备份。

按步骤将NBU_MEDIA改为FT Media Server,同时将Client改为SAN Client。并将NBU_MEDIA的 Target HBA和Client HBA放置新建的Zone中。


./nbftsrv_config -nbhba
./nbhba -L

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbftsrv_config  -nbhba
  Installing nbhba driver.
  Uninstalled WinDriver for FT Server mode.
  It may be necessary to temporarily unload your QLogic drivers
  to free up the ports for the nbhba drivers.
  This is an optional step.  If you choose not to do this, the
  nbhba drivers may not have access to the HBA ports until a
  subsequent reboot.
  Would you like to unload and reload your native QLogic drivers now? [y,n] (y)
  Are you sure you want to unload QLogic driver: qla2xxx? [y,n] (y)
  Removing qla2xxx.
  Cannot continue since qla2xxx is in use and cannot be removed.
  Please release references to qla2xxx before trying the install again.
  /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbhba -l
  Unable to communicate with HBA ports.
  Please ensure that this system is set up correctly with nbftsrv_config.
  (Must not be set up as FT Server.)
  Error #11: system call failed

出现错误后,按照KB:https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.TECH130949 未能解决。

将HBA Driver升级到8.04,并看到scsi_transport_fc 依赖qla2xxx。将这两个加入到/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist后重启解决。

Meida Server 配置后,通过nbhba -L仍然看不到输出结果,在日志中看到如下错误:

0,51216,137,199,32,1448943642598,14971,1090509120,0:,20:parsing = >
0,51216,137,199,33,1448943642598,14971,1090509120,0:,12:theRest = ><,23:parsePatchVersionString,1
0,51216,199,199,33,1448943643588,14971,1125271872,0:,16:targets 2 luns 2,35:FTServerMgr_i::listAllPseudoDevices,1
0,51216,199,199,34,1448944596103,14971,1110579520,0:,212:A LOGO or link down was observed on PN=1 for 15 minutes. Please check the port-switch connectivity. Setting the port speed on the switch to Fixed instead of Auto-negotiate has been known to fix some login issues.,23:PerformDeadPortWatchDog,1



# ioscan -fn|grep FCP
ext_bus     9  0/0/0/5/0/0/      fcd_vbus       CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
# ioscan -fn|grep tape
tape        2  0/0/0/5/0/0/  stape          CLAIMED     DEVICE       ARCHIVE Python
tape        3  0/0/0/5/0/0/  stape          CLAIMED     DEVICE       ARCHIVE Python
# mknod /dev/pt/pt7 c 203 0x091000
# mknod /dev/pt/pt8 c 203 0x091100


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