
Setting up a PXE-Boot Server

This documents how to setup a PXE boot server for Linux. This assumes that you’re using Redhat/FC as the PXE boot server. The vast majority of the information has been obtained from the following webpages:


0) The first thing to note is that you need to setup your own mini-network that is completely disconnected from the network, since part of this process requires setting up a DHCP server which could conflict with the corporate DHCP server if they were both running on the same network simultaneously. So get yourself a switch from IT up front. You do *NOT* need the switch immediately, so just put it aside until I mention it again
later on.

1) The next step is to choose a box to be the PXE boot server. This can really be any box at all, as long as you have a NIC in it that works reliably under Linux. For the purposes of this documentation, I’m going to assume that you’ve loaded Fedora Core 4 on this box (do that now, if you’ve not already). Get this box onto the network with DHCP (just like a normal installation).
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# Name: CentOS LiveCD repository
name = CentOS $releasever - LiveCD
baseurl = http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/centos-live/$basearch/live
gpgkey = http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGuay

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操作系统:centos 5.4 64位


yum install jdk


yum install pcre pcre-devel

3,安装mysql ,mysql相关配置省略。

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mkdir -p /diskless/x86_64/centos5.4/root
mkdir /diskless/x86_64/centos5.4/snapshot


rsync -auv -e ssh --delete --exclude='/proc/*' --exclude='/sys/*' --exclude='/tmp/*'--exclude='/var/log/*' root@ /diskless/x86_64/centos5.4/root/

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Ubuntu amd64 下安装 QQ for Linux

从http://im.qq.com/qq/linux/下载 QQ for Linux deb 安装包:



sudo apt-get install ia32-libs*


sudo dpkg -i –force-all linuxqq_v1.0.2-beta1_i386.deb

Oracle 11g Software Installation on Linux—CentOS-5

  This paper takes a look at installing oracle 11g (11.1) on Linux (CentOS-5).You can read about CentOS at www.centos.org and be assured of its’ Enterprise-class quality. This paper will use oracle’s Quick Installation Guide for Linux x86 as its’ guide—noting where additional information may be obtained but getting oracle installed on Linux as fast as possible. We at thecheapdba.com have years of experience installing oracle—starting back with oracle 7. We will point out best practices so that you end up with a reliable database that provides exceptional performance. We will occasionally re-visit, edit, and post additions to this paper as we find further configuration best practices.
  This paper will not cover the installation of CentOS-5 as that can be acquired through the CentOS website and additional Linux guides. We will however point out those alterations to the Linux environment that pertains to getting oracle installed.
  Our goal is to provide you with the steps to properly install the oracle 11g software without having to read oracle’s installation guide from front to back cover. We will provide you the commands to execute (just cut-n-paste) and the desired outcome of those commands. If you get something other than what is expected it would be time for you to re-visit earlier steps in this process. So hold on, here we go.
  It is assumed that the installer of oracle software has access and is running on an X Window System workstation. Please consult X Server documentation if you need help. We at thecheapdba.com typically will use cygwin ( www.cygwin.com ) for all interfacing with our Linux distribution. It has an X Window System that works quite well—and as we always like is free.
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ubuntu 9.10 安装ibus


sudo aptitude purge ~nscim
sudo aptitude install language-support-fonts-zh


sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list


deb http://archive.ubuntu.com.cn/ubuntu-cn/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse

如果没有就添加进去,然后保存退出。并更新软件源列表[sudo aptitude update]

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